
Thank you for visiting my web site. I provide consultancy and support in the specification of system/software requirements, architecture and design within complex embedded projects developed according to industry-standards such as IEC 62304, IEC 61508 and Do178. I use SysML and UML in conjunction with MBSE to satisfy the rigour demanded in the development of systems intended for usage in regulated environments.

You can find a summary of the key expertise that I offer together with a list of the industries in which I have domain expertise here.

Please feel free to look at the various sub-pages that may be accessed through the above drop-down menus above. These pages are being updated regularly with information on system architecture and related topics. If I have raised your interest and you wish to contact me, then my contact details may be found under Contact Information.

Project Information

You can view my technical experience and the projects in which I have been involved by clicking on the following link: Project Experience.

Technichal Information

Technical information about system engineering, system and software architecture/development, SysML, UML and much more can be found be either following this link or using the dropdown menü "System Architecture". These pages are being updated with regularity.